Home Organization Tips and Tricks for Beating the Family Clutter Hotspots!

We all know life is busy for families, so after reading The Complete Book of Home Organization, I reached out to the author Toni Hammersley to get her tips or “hacks” to help keep some family home trouble spots organized. Here’s a look at our interview and check out below for you own chance to win one of five copies of Toni’s book that I’m giving away!


Q: Kid’s schoolwork and household daily mail often clutters our counters. What do you recommend for families to keep the clutter off the counters?

A: Go through junk mail before it piles up on the kitchen counters. Recycle as much as possible and designate a spot for bills. If you don’t have time to read magazines and newspapers within a day or two, toss it.


Q: My kids are always dropping their coat, backpack, and shoes right at the door, cluttering up my entry and hallway. Any tips to help stop this habit?

A: Create an entryway mudroom using coat hooks for each family member. Place a basket near the door for shoes and other accessories. By keeping a designated spot near the door, they will be more likely to use what is available to them.



Q: How do you manage the toothbrush, toothpaste countertop mess, in addition to towels and clothes left on the floor?

A: We use a kitchen silverware utensil drawer organizer for dental care; each family member gets a spot in the organizer for his or her own toothbrush, toothpaste and floss. It works great to keep the messes off the countertops.


Q: Please share any tips you have for helping kids manage dirty laundry, and put away their laundry when it’s clean.

A: I wash a load of laundry every single day. This keeps the laundry piles away. My kids are responsible for putting away their folded clothes after school each day. Routines and consistency are the key to managing and maintaining laundry.

Kids Room Challenge in The Complete Book of Home Organization
Kids Room Challenge in The Complete Book of Home Organization


Q: Any fun ideas for helping kids manage toys, clothes, and garbage in their rooms?Purge often. Keep a

A: Purge often. Keep a trash can in each room (because its inevitable that there will be trash) and do a five-minute tidy each night before bed. Take control of the messes before they control you.


Q: Our van constantly has a buildup of coats, shoes, garbage, and paperwork in the backseat realm. Any ideas for how to stop the clutter in the car?

A: We always empty out the car completely at the end of each day. The entire family helps out. Our hands are always full when we walk through the front door. The car isn’t a storage space so we make it a rule to take our things in with us when get home.


Q: Is there another special hack or tip you have that can help busy families stay organized and avoid the clutter danger zones?

A: A 10-minute pick up every evening helps out tremendously. It’s the small things that keep a house running smoothly.

CompleteBookOfHomeOrganization_Cover_hrNow, are you ready to get your house in order? Here’s your chance to win one of five copies of Toni’s The Complete Book of Home Organization!

The Complete Book of Home Organization

Use these helpful 7 home organization tips to help busy families keep those messy hotspots clean and organized!

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