I’m Kim
Hi there! You’ve landed on my site that was started by a Kansas girl who dreamed of traveling. Unfortunately, I did not possess a pair of ruby red slippers to whisk me away to the Emerald City. Ironically enough, I did have access to a plane and now reside in the Emerald City, beautiful Seattle, Washington. I still don’t own any ruby red slippers, but I have learned to travel and explore without them!
My travel adventures began in college, continued with my husband, and eventually evolved into family travel when our two daughters joined our family! Now those daughters are off to college and I’m discovering the fun that Xennial women over 40 can have with a bit of time and money and a notebook of trip ideas.
I’m not someone who dreads packing or planning for trips. I actually start to get an itch if I don’t have a trip on my books to research, plan, and book. Researching and planning are a definite hobby for me and thanks to the internet, there is an abundance of information out there. Over my 20+ years of travel experience, I’ve learned a few things and have evolved from being a novice college kid learning to travel to now being a travel expert with an encyclopedia of travel tips and tools in my suitcase.
Thanks for joining me here on my personal travel blog. I hope to help you plan the perfect adventure!
Fun Facts About Me
I’d rather be
in business class
grateful for
my family & business
Favorite placeS
Ireland, Kenya, cruising…
my weekends
sports (NHL & NFL) & family
best snuggle buddies
my labradoodle
Where this all began
I launched my blog in 2012 because I had friends and family continue to ask me for advice about planning family vacations. They had seen how we didn’t stop traveling when we had kids, we just started planning trip with them. By one year old they both had experienced travel by planes, trains, and automobiles. Now that they’re off to college, I look back on the travel memories we’ve created and how exposure to worlds different than theirs has shaped who they’ve become.
It’s reignited my passion to encourage women to plan the trip and make the memories!
If you also like to travel, I hope this blog will give you some useful advice and tips. And even if you don’t like to travel or are hesitant to travel, you might find encouragement and insight here. Travel memories are some of the best you can create!