Reuse old crayons to make these blue and green Earth Day crayons - perfect for classroom or friend gift

Here’s a fun craft and gift to help you recognize and celebrate Earth Day. Creating these fun Earth Day crayons is a great way to teach your kids about reducing, reusing, and recycling, plus they make great gifts for classmates or friends!

Reuse old crayons to make these blue and green Earth Day crayons - perfect for classroom or friend gift
Fun craft to reuse old crayons and celebrate Earth Day

I wrote the directions for this at Today’s Creative Blog. You’ll find the full directions on how to make these Earth Day crayons at her site.

DIY earth crayons for earth day

Below are the tags you can print and cut for gifting.

Don’t forget, be kind to the environment, and help your kids learn that we all can make a difference if we reduce, reuse, and recycle!

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  1. Is this printable available with a 2017 date or no date? I’d love to use it but the date is past.

    1. Hi Elizabeth – sorry I don’t have an updated one. If you put the image in picmonkey, you could try to add an overlay that will block the text then add new text.

  2. Could you possibly make a printable for 2018? I’m not savvy enough to figure it out myself! These are so cute!

    1. Hi Michelle – unfortunately I’ve been traveling and can’t locate the original file :(. I’ll add making a blank version to my to do list, but with my travel schedule it won’t happen this year. Sorry!

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